KRIEGSMARINE - officer's sleeve insignia - rank - Fregattenkapitan / Kapitan zur See - golden uniform braids
A replica of officer braids for the KRIEGSMARINE uniform, showing the Fregattenkapitan / Kapitan zur See rank.
This is a complete version of gold officer insignia ready to be sewn onto the sleeves of the uniform. The offered set includes 2 ribbons with sewn-on insignia (golden braids) visible in the main photo.
The braids on the sleeves of the KRIEGSMARINE officers' and officials' uniforms were placed at the lower edge of the jacket sleeves. Officers had gold insignia, and officials had silver insignia. The ranks were marked by combinations of different widths of braids sewn onto the sleeve. Naval officers (Seeoffiziere) additionally had gold five-pointed stars sewn above the braids at the bottom of the sleeves, symbolizing their officer corps.