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Uniform trousers

German generals Waffen SS trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)

German generals Waffen SS trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)
German generals Waffen SS trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)
Product code: dec6006

A perfect replica of the German generals of Waffen SS trousers - breeches (Stiefehose). These pants wore soldiers with high leather boots (Hohe Stiefel).


Availability:: out of stock



German large tropical trousers - DAK

German large tropical trousers - DAK
German large tropical trousers - DAK
Product code: dec6016

A perfect replica of the large trousers in the tropical brown-yellow color, worn by troops DAK  fighting in Africa and Italy during World War II.

Availability:: out of stock



German large tropical trousers - DAK / Fallschirmjäger

German large tropical trousers - DAK / Fallschirmjäger
German large tropical trousers - DAK / Fallschirmjäger
Product code: dec2021

A perfect replica of the large trousers in the tropical brown-yellow color with a large pocket on the knee, worn by troops DAK / Fallschirmjäger fighting in Africa and Italy during World War II.

Availability:: out of stock



German M42 trousers (Keilhosen) - WH / Waffen SS - Size M

German M42 trousers (Keilhosen) - WH / Waffen SS - Size M
German M42 trousers (Keilhosen) - WH / Waffen SS - Size M
Product code: dec6041

A perfect replica of the characteristic M42 trousers (Keilhosen) worn by German Wehrmacht and Waffen SS troops during World War II.

Availability:: out of stock



German officer tropical trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)

German officer tropical trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)
German officer tropical trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)
Product code: dec6017

A perfect replica of the German officers trousers -breeches  (Stiefehose). These pants were worn with high leather shoes (hohe Stiefel).

Availability:: out of stock



German officers Allgemeine SS trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)

German officers Allgemeine SS trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)
German officers Allgemeine SS trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)
Product code: dec2099

A perfect replica of the German officers Allgemeine SS trousers - breeches (Stiefehose). These pants wore soldiers with high leather boots (Hohe Stiefel).


Availability:: out of stock



German officers breeches WH / Waffen SS (Stiefehose)

German officers breeches WH / Waffen SS (Stiefehose)
German officers breeches WH / Waffen SS (Stiefehose)
Product code: dec6066

Perfect replica of German WH / Waffen SS officer trousers, the so-called breeches (Stiefehose). These trousers were worn with high leather officer boots (hohe Stiefel).

Product manufactured by HERO COLLECTION.


Availability:: running out



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German parachute trousers (Fallschirmschützen Hose)

German parachute trousers (Fallschirmschützen Hose)
German parachute trousers (Fallschirmschützen Hose)
Product code: dec2022

A perfect replica of the parachute pants (Fallschirmschützen Hose) - used by Fallschirmjäger troops during World War II.

Availability:: out of stock



German Schutzpolizei trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)

German Schutzpolizei trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)
German Schutzpolizei trousers - breeches (Stiefehose)
Product code: dec6615

A perfect replica of the German police Schupo trousers - breeches (Stiefehose). These pants wore police Schutzpolizei high leather boots (Hohe Stiefel).


Availability:: out of stock



German WH generals breeches (Stiefehose)

German WH generals breeches (Stiefehose)
German WH generals breeches (Stiefehose)
Product code: dec2075

A perfect replica of the German WH generals breeches (Stiefehose). These pants were worn with high leather boots (Hohe Stiefel).

Availability:: out of stock



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