BeVo - Armband / Cufftitle (armelbande) - WAFFEN SS - DAS REICH
- Product code: dec2573
Armband / cufftitle (armelbande) - WAFFEN SS - DAS REICH.
Availability:: out of stock
BeVo - Armband / Cufftitle (armelbande) - WH / HEER - FELDGENDARMERIE
- Product code: dec2587
Armband / cufftitle (armelbande) - WH / HEER - FELDGENDARMERIE.
Availability:: out of stock
BeVo - Armband / Cufftitle (armelbande) - WH / HEER - STABSHELFERIN DES HEERES
- Product code: dec2566
Armband / cufftitle (armelbande) - WH / HEER - STABSHELFERIN DES HEERES.
Availability:: out of stock
ALLGEMEINE SS - Hoherefuhrer Shoulder Board / Schulterklappe
- Product code: dec1527
- Hand-embroidered copy of the Hoherefuhrer shoulder board - Schulterklappe - ALLGEMEINE SS.
- Shoulder board for generals ranks - Oberfuhrer, Brigadefuhrer, Gruppenfuhrer, Obergruppenfuhrer.
Availability:: large quantity
ALLGEMEINE SS - Mannschaften Shoulder Board / Schulterklappe
- Product code: dec1524
- Hand-embroidered copy of the Mannschaften shoulder board - Schulterklappe - ALLGEMEINE SS.
- Shoulder board for Mannschaften ranks - SS-Mann, Sturmmann, Rottenfuhrer, Unterscharfuhrer, Scharfuhrer, Oberscharfuhrer, Hauptscharfuhrer.
Availability:: very large quantity
ALLGEMEINE SS - Mittlerefuhrer Shoulder Board / Schulterklappe
- Product code: dec1526
- Hand-embroidered copy of the Mittlerefuhrer shoulder board - Schulterklappe - ALLGEMEINE SS.
- Shoulder board for officers ranks - Sturmbannfuhrer, Obersturmbannfuhrer, Standartenfuhrer.
Availability:: large quantity
ALLGEMEINE SS - Unterefuhrer Shoulder Board / Schulterklappe
- Product code: dec1525
- Hand-embroidered copy of the Unterefuhrer shoulder board - Schulterklappe - ALLGEMEINE SS.
- Shoulder board for officers ranks - Untersturmfuhrer, Obersturmfuhrer, Hauptsturmfuhrer.
Availability:: large quantity
Alpine troops edelweiss / Gebirgsjäger WH
- Product code: dec1032
Mountain troops / Gebirgsjäger edelweiss replica sewed on the shoulder.
Availability:: very large quantity
Alpine units officer's edelweiss / Gebirgsjäger WH
- Product code: dec1033
Mountain troops / Gebirgsjäger edelweiss replica sewed on the shoulder.
Availability:: small quantity
Alpine units officer's edelweiss / Gebirgsjäger WH - tropical version
- Product code: dec1066
Mountain troops / Gebirgsjäger edelweiss replica sewed on the shoulder - tropical version
Availability:: small quantity
Anti-Partisan Badge - I class - gold
- Product code: dec1602
Excellent copy of Anti-Partisan 1st class badge - gold (Bandenkampfabzeichen 1. Klasse) given during World War II.
Availability:: running out
Anti-Partisan Badge - II class - silver
- Product code: dec1603
Excellent copy of Anti-Partisan 2nd class badge - silver (Bandenkampfabzeichen 2. Klasse) given during World War II.
Availability:: out of stock
Anti-Partisan Badge - II class - silver - Antique Finish
- Product code: dec1605
Excellent copy of Anti-Partisan 2nd class badge - silver - Antique Finish (Bandenkampfabzeichen 2. Klasse) given during World War II.
Availability:: out of stock
Anti-Partisan Badge - III class - bronze
- Product code: dec1604
Excellent copy of Anti-Partisan 3nd class badge - bronze (Bandenkampfabzeichen 3. Klasse) given during World War II.
Availability:: out of stock
Armband - (armelbande) - LUFTWAFFE - Fallschirmjager Rgt. 1
- Product code: dec2592
Armband / ribbon - (armelbande) - LUFTWAFFE - Fallschirmjager Rgt. 1
Availability:: out of stock
Armband - (armelbande) - LUFTWAFFE - Fallschirmjager Rgt. 1 - officers version
- Product code: dec2595
Armband / ribbon - (armelbande) - LUFTWAFFE - Fallschirmjager Rgt. 1 - officers version
Availability:: out of stock
Armband - (armelbande) - LUFTWAFFE - Fallschirmjager Rgt. 2
- Product code: dec2593
Armband / ribbon - (armelbande) - LUFTWAFFE - Fallschirmjager Rgt. 2
Availability:: running out
Armband - (armelbande) - LUFTWAFFE - Fallschirmjager Rgt. 2 - officers version
- Product code: dec2596
Armband / ribbon - (armelbande) - LUFTWAFFE - Fallschirmjager Rgt. 2 - officers version
Availability:: out of stock